VIENNA: Third Secretary of Kuwait's Permanent Delegation to the United Nations in Vienna Dr Sara Al-Ajmi (right) speaks during the meeting. — KUNA
VIENNA: Third Secretary of Kuwait's Permanent Delegation to the United Nations in Vienna Dr Sara Al-Ajmi (right) speaks during the meeting. — KUNA

Kuwait demands Zionist entity joins international nuclear treaty

Zionist entity preventing IAEA from creating nuclear-weapon-free zone in Middle East: Official

VIENNA: Kuwait is calling on the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to take the necessary steps to urge the Zionist entity to immediately join the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and subject all its nuclear facilities to the comprehensive safeguards system of the IAEA. Third Secretary of Kuwait’s Permanent Delegation to the United Nations in Vienna Dr Sara Al-Ajmi made the demand in a speech she gave during the discussions regarding the Zionist entity’s nuclear capabilities. Dr Al-Ajmi urged the IAEA to keep the Zionist occupation’s nuclear capabilities under discussion in policy-making meetings, which would ensure the agency’s ability to effectively and competently fulfill its role in verifying and applying its safeguards system.

Through the safeguards, the IAEA verifies that a state’s declaration of nuclear material is correct and complete. The verification activities also give the IAEA the authority to independently verify that all nuclear material in the territory or jurisdictional control of a state is not diverted for nuclear weapons and that nuclear facilities are not misused. The IAEA, which is entrusted as the nuclear inspectorate under the global Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and other treaties against the spread of nuclear weapons, safeguards nuclear material and activities under agreements with more than 140 States.

Dr Al-Ajmi added that despite the commitment of all Middle Eastern countries to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and the implementation of the comprehensive safeguards agreement, the Zionist occupation has persistently refused to subject all its nuclear facilities to the system of the IAEA.

She also pointed out that the Zionist entity continues to reject any initiatives or serious steps in this regard, preventing the agency from applying the system in the Middle East and creating a zone free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

Kuwait’s delegation also addressed the situation in Gaza, stating that while the Board of Governors is holding its meetings this week, Palestine was witnessing a dangerous escalation and developments in events. Dr Al-Ajmi mentioned in her speech that nearly eight months have passed since the Zionist occupation forces launched brutal attacks on Palestine, disregarding international laws, covenants, and resolutions, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of unarmed civilians, most of whom are women and children.

In her speech, she confirmed Kuwait’s principled and firm stance in condemning the unfortunate massacres committed by the Zionist occupation forces against Palestinian camps. Kuwait once again called on the international community to exert strong pressure to stop this blatant aggression, which violates all international laws and norms, to protect Palestinians, thus, serious efforts must be made to hold the perpetrators of these heinous crimes accountable. Dr Al-Ajmi emphasized that the deliberate targeting of refugee tents and the killing of innocents was clear evidence that the Zionist occupation hardly understands the language of peace. — Agencies

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