Dr Asmaa Al Kandari is seen during her participation. -- KUNA photos
Dr Asmaa Al Kandari is seen during her participation. -- KUNA photos

Kuwaiti only doctor in Middle East to teach at global event

Dr Al-Kandari conducts 2 endoscopy operations at conference livestreamed on social media

PARIS: Dr Asmaa Al-Kandari, consultant of internal medicine and gastroenterology at the Kuwait Ministry of Health, has taken part in the Endoscopy on Air online marathon, which connects world-class physicians and is a unique educational opportunity for those who want to learn and improve their endoscopy techniques and elevate their skills.

In remarks to KUNA on Friday, Dr Al-Kandari affirmed that her participation in the convention was an opportunity to get acquainted with new information in the realm and interact with peers, noting that she was the sole representative at the event from the Middle East.

This international scientific event is valuable with respect to research and clinical treatment, she said, affirming the need for such interaction to update medical protocols. The Kuwaiti doctor conducted two endoscopy operations, publicized via the social media. The conference has drawn 25,000 participants and specialists, some partaking virtually. Participants could observe some of the most proficient and experienced physicians from around the globe and examine how state-of-the-art technologies are utilized to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions and discover the latest advancements in endoscopic procedures.

Last year, Dr Al-Kandari was honored by Health Minister Ahmad Al-Awadhi. In a statement to KUNA, the minister said she was one of the top international and local experts in diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal tumors through endoscopy. She also utilizes AI in her procedures. The doctor was head of a training program at the Jahra Hospital done in collaboration with several international organizations. The program helped equip 100 specialists from Kuwait and other parts of the world, including Turkey, the UK, Europe and North America, with the skills they need to use endoscopy for tumor diagnosis. — KUNA

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