The fourth estate
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We have often heard about the decline of daily newspapers, with many attributing this to the rise of social media. However, in Kuwait, there is a recent resurgence in the launch of daily newspapers. Following the latest speech by HH the Amir Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may Allah protect him, the significance of Article 36 of the constitution has been highlighted.

This article decisively states that “Freedom of opinion and scientific research shall be guaranteed. Every person shall have the right to express and propagate his opinion verbally, in writing, or otherwise, in accordance with the conditions and procedures specified by law.” Journalism plays a crucial role as a means of popular communication, which is particularly needed today. There are four key roles and duties that journalism fulfills. The first role is the presentation and delivery of information. This includes the presentation of reports, news, and events of interest to citizens.

The second role is entertainment. This includes entertaining content such as comic stories about daily life, sports news, fashion and acting. The entertainment aspect is essential for keeping newspapers viable as a medium. The third role involves advertisements, both for awareness and commercial purposes. Awareness ads often contain social advice, such as messages about family planning, safe driving, childcare and healthcare. Commercial ads aim to promote products and services, providing a significant portion of newspaper revenue.

The fourth role is reporting and commentary on issues. This includes writing reports on domestic and international issues and publishing columns that help deliver information, making it easier for decision-makers to take appropriate actions. Today, there is an urgent need to revive the role of journalism to provide decision-makers with honest and sincere information. By doing so, journalism can become a true fourth estate, contributing to the country’s development and governance. We hope that ministers will allocate time to read newspapers or have their media departments prepare daily summaries of opinions, columns and news.

This will help decision-makers understand public sentiment and make informed decisions. Ultimately, the decision-maker is responsible for their decisions, but seeking advice from the public and having access to accurate information is invaluable. Lastly, it is important to remind every writer of the saying of our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): “The religion is naseehah (sincere advice).” The notion that “who advises you wants to expose you” has no place in our new Kuwait. Let our religion be naseehah, and may Allah bless Kuwait.

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