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Bayt Al-Husseinan House of heritage

By Mahmoud Zakaria

Bayt Abdul Rahman Al-Husseinan in Faiha has become a journey through Kuwait’s history. Although built in 1958, it has retained its heritage form, with features such as the diwaniya, liwan and hallway that reflect the lifestyle of Kuwaitis in the past. The heirs of Abdul Rahman Al-Husseinan had decided to demolish and rebuild the house, but relented due to Kuwaitis’ nostalgia for the past.

“Our house was built in 1958. My father purchased it in 1967 from the heirs of Ghalia Al-Somali, may God have mercy on her. At that time, he was residing in my uncle’s house in Faiha before moving here,” owner of the house, lawyer Ali Abdul Rahman Al-Husseinan, said. “The house, at its core, is old, with no additions except for a liwan when I got married, providing me an apartment. Additionally, a roof was added for my brother in the diwaniya until he acquired another apartment,” he added.

Husseinan described the details of the house. “The building’s design is old-fashioned, spacious and airy. Sunlight enters it during the day, and the air circulates within. However, it is susceptible to external elements like dust, but it is healthy because the interior atmosphere is similar to the outside, so the inhabitants do not suffer. Additionally, the house includes windows that overlook the interior, as the occupants are modest individuals and do not want windows overlooking the outside,” he explained.

Regarding the possibility of converting it into a museum, Husseinan stated: “Many have appealed to the National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters to preserve this house as a shrine for future generations, showcasing Kuwaiti culture and history and how they lived in the past. It’s crucial to preserve our heritage, even if the house itself isn’t ancient, as long as it retains its original structure, similar to the houses in Mirqab and Qibla, featuring a liwan, corridor and sheep yard.”

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