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IKEA celebrates Earth Month with ‘Together for a Better Planet’ event

KUWAIT: IKEA, the leading brand for life at home launched “Together for a Better Planet” sustainability event at Shaheed Park. The larger-than-life sustainability event is a celebration of our beautiful planet and a heartfelt call to action for everyone. The 4-day event showcases the impact we make on the environment in an inspiring way. It intends to build awareness through visibility, shocking facts, and activities. In addition, the interactive workshops and activities with the IKEA team will provide entertaining and educational insights on how little changes on our everyday life can make a big difference.

“This April, we are not only marking Earth Month with our first sustainability event, but also celebrating our 40 years in Kuwait; a journey marked by memorable moments, lots of inspiration and love from all the people of Kuwait, and immense dedication from all our coworkers.

Throughout these years, sustainability has remained a core part of our commitment towards Kuwait”, said Marino Maganto, CEO of IKEA Kuwait, Jordan, and Morocco. During the launch event, IKEA also introduced a pledge wall, calling each of us to pledge a personal commitment by taking small actions that can collectively create a lasting positive impact on Kuwait’s environment.

“We believe that we all have a responsibility to make a change. Our main goal should be to create awareness, through education, in the schools and universities, through events and activities that make it easier for people to make a change in their lives” Maganto continued. While we know that there is so much more to be done, we thank all the people who took and will take the pledge, committing to a better and more sustainable Kuwait.

Our small actions together can make a world of difference, so let us pay it forward for the environment of Kuwait”, concluded Maganto. Visit the IKEA installations and take the pledge at Shaheed Park, Phase 2 until 27 April 2024. All the materials of the installations will be reused or recycled after the event.

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