NEW YORK: The United Nations Security Council meets on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, at UN headquarters on April 18, 2024. - AFP photos
NEW YORK: The United Nations Security Council meets on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, at UN headquarters on April 18, 2024. - AFP photos

Kuwait regrets Security Council’s failure to approve Palestine’s full membership

Palestine cause remains Kuwait’s top priority

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed deep regret over the UN Security Council’s (UNSC) failure to approve a full membership for Palestine in the council. In a statement on Friday, the ministry said that Kuwait renewed its call for the international community to exert further efforts to resolve the situation in Palestine and to protect the rights of Palestinians. Kuwait also applauded the efforts of Algeria, supported by the Arab group in the UN and other friendly countries, to back up Palestine’s membership resolution.

The US’ use of a veto at the UN Security Council not to recognize Palestine’s state as a UN full member is a step back in efforts aiming to achieve fair and comprehensive peace in the Middle East region, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Jasem Al-Budaiwi said. In a news statement, Al-Budaiwi affirmed the GCC’s unwavering and supportive stance on Palestinians’ rights to self-determination and the establishment of their independent state based on June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

He called on the international community to work decisively and immediately to ensure the recognition of Palestine’s state and enable Palestinians to get their main and legal rights in accordance with UN resolutions and international law. Al-Budaiwi said the UN Security Council should take serious and necessary steps to re-assess international mechanisms of peace in a way that ensures maintaining people’s rights and international and regional security and stability. The GCC chief also urged all countries and international organizations to stand with justice, back efforts to restore rights, and build a better future for the region and the world’s nations, according to the statement.

US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood votes against a resolution allowing Palestinian UN membership.
US Deputy Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood votes against a resolution allowing Palestinian UN membership.

Top priority

Kuwaiti Ambassador to Jordan Hamad Al-Merri said his country maintains special, deep-rooted relations with Palestine, affirming that the Palestine question is a top priority for the Kuwaiti leadership, government, and people. “Kuwait continues supporting the Palestinian people through funding socioeconomic development projects,” he said in statements to KUNA after the closing ceremony of a training program on “building the capacity of Palestinian entrepreneurs.”

The program was organized by the Arab Planning Institute (API) in collaboration with the Palestine Economic Council for Development and Reconstruction (PECDAR) in Amman. “Kuwait spares no effort to advance the Palestine cause, which is a central issue for Kuwait and all Arab countries,” Ambassador Al-Merri pointed out. On the just-ended training program, the Kuwaiti diplomat noted that his country spearheads the efforts to realize socio-economic development in the sisterly Arab countries and improve the lives of Arab citizens.

Appreciating the role of the API, Ambassador Al-Merri said the Institute offers a variety of activities, including training courses, research, and consultancy, to promote sustainable development and human development in Arab countries. On a similar note, API Director General Dr. Abdullah Al-Shami said the training program aimed to help Palestinian entrepreneurs and cadres lead the development drive more effectively. “The program is one of the main activities of the API to empower Arab young entrepreneurs, particularly Palestinians,” he added.

On his part, PECDAR Director-General Mohammad Abu-Awadh said the training program, the sixth of its kind, gathered 150 Palestinian trainees who will help advance the Palestinian labor market. “The API plays a vital role in backing development in the Arab world, particularly in Palestine,” Abu-Awadh added. Founded in 1980 in Kuwait, the API is a non-profit organization dedicated to the cause of economic and social development in Arab countries through training, research, consultancy, expert-level meetings, and publications. — KUNA

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