Gaza relief ship
Gaza relief ship

Second ‘Gaza ship’ departs

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Relief Society (KRS) said that the departure of the second “Gaza ship” is on its way from the Turkish port of Mersin towards the Egyptian port of Al-Arish, loaded with one thousand tons of aid and necessary relief supplies for Gaza. The society’s director, General Abdul-Aziz Al-Obaid, informed KUNA that the Kuwait Direct Aid Association funded the vessel.

He said it carried approximately 350 tons of ready-to-eat meals, flour, cooking essentials, and canned food with a shelf life of over a year, along with about 600 tons of shelter materials, including tents, blankets, mattresses, covers, and personal necessities for women, children, and the elderly. Director General of the Kuwait Direct Aid Association, Abdullah Al-Sumait, confirmed to KUNA that the second “Gaza ship” would unload at Al-Arish Port within days. Afterward, it will be reloaded for delivery to Gaza through the Rafah southern border, Al-Sumait added.

Meanwhile, the Secretary General of the Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), Durmus Aydin, told KUNA that the foundation has honored its commitment with KRS by managing a vessel filled with vital relief supplies for Gaza. The foundation adhered to the contract terms, which included purchasing goods with a one-year shelf life, packaging them, and dispatching them from the port of Mersin in Turkey within the outlined timeframe, he said.

KRS has signed an executive contract with IHH on March 12, 2024, whereby KRS is responsible for covering 60 percent of the total cost for preparations, shipping, and dispatch. IHH is recognized as one of the foremost relief organizations globally, capable of reaching areas affected by wars, conflicts, and natural disasters to assist victims worldwide. —KUNA

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