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Fawaz Al-Subaie wins sixth round of the Equestrian League

KUWAIT: Subhan Club Rider Fawaz Al-Subaie won the sixth round of Kuwait Equestrian Federation League, following tough competition with other riders during the championship that was held on Friday and Saturday. The league is sponsored by Zain, KGL and KIB. Al-Subaie was able to go through the grand prize heat at a height of 145 cm in 35.45 seconds following a differentiation heat.

He was followed by riders Enaz Al-Enaz, Ghazi Al-Jraiwi, Ali Al-Kharafi and Fahad Al-Faleh. Fawaz Al-Subaie was happy with his win following the tough competition he faced. He said Kuwait Equestrian sport is on the rise and improving from one season to another due to the support of KEF and the major role of the private sector in addition to the government role.

Kuwait club rider Ali Jassim Al-Kharafi won the minor prize heat at the height of 145 cm, while rider Nadia Al-Mutawa won the sixth heat at 125 cm, during the second day competition. First day competition saw rider Abdullah Al-Awadhi winning the fifth heat at 140 cm, while Abdullah Al-Roudhan won the fourth at 130 cm. The league competitions will be concluded with the seventh round on May 4th.

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