GAZA: Kuwait Relief Society distributes meat to war-afflicted families in Gaza.- KUNA photos
GAZA: Kuwait Relief Society distributes meat to war-afflicted families in Gaza.- KUNA photos

Kuwait’s charity distributes meat to Palestinians

GAZA: The Kuwait Relief Society distributed meat to war-afflicted families in Gaza after the fasting month of Ramadan. Omar Al-Thuwaini, the society’s deputy director general, said in remarks to KUNA on Friday that the society, in coordination with the charities “Wafa” and “Rahma,” distributed during the three-day Eid Al-Fitr 52 tons of meat to the poor, displaced families, and those affected by the Zionist aggression on South Gaza.

The relief activity was supported by the Kuwait Al-Awqaf General Secretariat. Meanwhile, “Wafa” director general Muhaisen Al-Atawneh said 10,000 relocated families in the enclave received donated meat during Eid. His peer at “Rahma,” Mohammad Qaddous, said Kuwait, since the start of the aggression in early October, has doubled the aid sent to Gaza via air and land and sent in medical teams to treat the injured. Much of the aid supplies that had been sent to Gaza or dropped from the air were cereals. The meat had been scarce on the shell-devastated and beleaguered strip. — KUNA

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