KUWAIT: An LED billboard lights up with an advertisement for the "Your vote ... Nation's future" campaign on top of a government building. — KUNA photos
KUWAIT: An LED billboard lights up with an advertisement for the "Your vote ... Nation's future" campaign on top of a government building. — KUNA photos

‘Your vote, Nation’s future’: MoI urges Kuwaitis to vote

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Information has launched an electoral media campaign urging eligible voters to cast their ballots in the country’s forthcoming parliamentary election due on Thursday. Speaking to KUNA on the initiative, the ministry’s Assistant Undersecretary for the Media Service Sector Saad Al-Azmi said that the campaign titled: “Your Vote ... Nation’s Future” is intended to persuade voters to live up to their due responsibilities by carefully picking the right candidate.

The endeavor, which Kuwait Times featured briefly on March 31, is co-organized by Kuwait Municipality, state bodies and civil society organizations. The campaign, which features advertisements on billboards and in mass and social media, mainly urges Kuwaiti citizens to exercise their electoral rights enshrined in the Kuwaiti Constitution, the official pointed out. — KUNA

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