NABLUS: Palestinians inspect the debris of the house of Moaz Al-Masry, a Palestinian who was killed by Zionist forces after being accused of killing a British-Zionist settler and her two daughters last year. – AFP
NABLUS: Palestinians inspect the debris of the house of Moaz Al-Masry, a Palestinian who was killed by Zionist forces after being accused of killing a British-Zionist settler and her two daughters last year. – AFP

Zionist entity blows up home of slain Palestinian man

NABLUS: Zionist troops on Monday blew up the home of a Palestinian accused of killing a British-Zionist woman and her two daughters in the occupied West Bank last year. The apartment of Moaz Al-Masry, who was killed by Zionist forces following the attack in April last year, was demolished in the early hours, Palestinian witnesses and the Zionist military told AFP.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society said their medics treated about 15 people after Zionist forces fired tear gas during the raid on the West Bank city of Nablus. Masry, along with two other attackers, was accused of shooting dead the Zionist settler and her daughters as they were driving near Hamra in the Jordan Valley. Following a manhunt, the assailants were killed in a military raid on Nablus in May.

Troops overnight into Monday stormed the Al-Makhfiya neighborhood in Nablus and surrounded Masry’s house, a witness told AFP. The entity routinely demolishes the homes of Palestinians accused of carrying out attacks, arguing that such measures act as a deterrent, while critics say it amounts to collective punishment. The Red Crescent told AFP they had evacuated multiple residents, including children, from the building housing Masry’s apartment.

Ramallah raid

Zionist forces also raided the Palestinian administrative capital of Ramallah in the occupied West Bank overnight, killing a 16-year-old in a refugee camp during their biggest such operation into the city in years, Palestinian sources told Reuters on Monday.

The Zionist military said that during the action, a riot broke out between Palestinians throwing rocks and petrol bombs and the soldiers, who responded with live fire. Witnesses in Ramallah said the Zionist forces had driven dozens of military vehicles into the city, the headquarters of the Palestinian Authority (PA) led by President Mahmoud Abbas which exercises limited self-rule over parts of the West Bank.

The Palestinian health ministry said Zionist forces shot and killed 16-year-old Mustafa Abu Shalbak while raiding Am’ari refugee camp. The Palestinian news agency WAFA said confrontations broke out as Zionist forces stormed the camp, “during which live bullets were fired at Palestinian youths”, wounding Abu Shalbak in the neck and chest.

An AFP photographer saw troops marching two blindfolded Palestinians through a street, while multiple soldiers pointed their weapons at surrounding buildings. The military said it carried out a “counter-terrorism operation” at the camp and apprehended two wanted suspects. “During the operation, a violent riot developed, in which suspects hurled rocks and Molotov cocktails at Zionist security forces, who responded with live fire. A hit was identified,” the military said in a statement. — AFP

If we let our minds think critically about what we hear, most rumors spread for various reasons, especially on social media, would disappear. Always make good use of your brains. If optimism prevailed in our hearts, the flame of rage that drives som...
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