GAZA: A Palestinian man carries a badly injured child into the Kuwait Hospital in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, following Zionist air strikes.- AFP
GAZA: A Palestinian man carries a badly injured child into the Kuwait Hospital in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, following Zionist air strikes.- AFP

Kuwait condemns Zionist atrocious crimes, brutality

GENEVA: Kuwait Foreign Minister Abdullah Al-Yahya stated Tuesday that the atrocious crimes of Zionist occupation forces in Gaza Strip had shocked the conscience of humanity but instigated no serious response from the international community. Minister Al-Yahya made these remarks while heading the Kuwaiti delegation at the 55th session of UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), held over a span of two days in Geneva.

The minister affirmed Kuwait’s unwavering and steady commitment to themes of freedom, justice, equality, tolerance, peace, and principles of the UN and its agencies. He pointed out that the Council is convening in the midst of ongoing catastrophe and human suffering in Gaza Strip but the international community has yet to take up serious action to put an end to blatant violations of international laws.

Since beginning of war on Gaza Strip, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed, infrastructure  completely demolished, vital facilities, homes, and worship places all destroyed, relayed the Minister, adding that the occupation has made targets of workers in relief, health or media sectors. Minister Al-Yahya spoke of Kuwait’s immediate response to the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and planeloads of living essentials and medical necessities it sent out and campaigns it organized, emphasizing that such operations will remain underway to alleviate even a fraction of the suffering.

He took the time to restate Kuwait’s position by Palestinian right of self-determination, saying that there’s no resolution in light of continuing oppressive practices, use of brute force, and double standards. He called for resolving the crisis as per previously agreed upon references to guarantee Palestinians’ full legitimate rights, and their right of establishing an independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

The Foreign Minister highlighted Kuwait’s keenness on human right principles and their applications especially as the Kuwaiti constitution sets out to instate principles of democracy, guarantee of individuals, and ensure peaceful coexistence. On occasion of Kuwait commencing its three-year membership in the Council, Al-Yahya affirmed Kuwait’s intent on assuming an active role, becoming a positive contributor, and cooperating with member states to address and resolve tabled issues.

Investing in humans a vital necessity and focal point towards achieving sustainable development goals, underscored the minister, saying that this is in line with Kuwait 2035 vision of a prosperous and sustainable future geared towards guaranteeing individuals a better life. Since its establishment, Kuwait had secured rights to free education, healthcare, food security, equal opportunities for both genders, women empowerment, support for people with disabilities, childcare, as well as public and political participation. He once again reiterated Kuwait’s adherence to international commitments, stemming from its sense responsibility, partnership and solidarity.

Meanwhile, Qatar is “hopeful” of a Gaza war ceasefire and is pushing for an agreement before Ramadan, its foreign ministry spokesperson said on Tuesday. The gas-rich Gulf state, which hosts Hamas’s political bureau, has been a key mediator in negotiations involving the Palestinian militants, Zionist entity, the United States and Egypt. “We remain hopeful, not necessarily optimistic, that we can announce something soon, but we remain hopeful that we can get to some kind of agreement,” Majed Al-Ansari told a regular briefing.

“Obviously, we said that Ramadan is going to be a point of contention. We are going to push for a pause before the beginning of Ramadan. “We are all aiming towards that target, but the situation is still fluid on the ground,” he added. Ansari was speaking after US President Joe Biden said a new ceasefire and hostage release could start as soon as Monday, ahead of the Muslim holy month that will begin around March 11. “Till now we don’t have an agreement, we are still working on the negotiations on all sides,” Ansari said.- Agencies

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