Asaad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center
Asaad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center

Kuwait Dermatology Center selected as Center of Excellence

KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health announced that the Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN) selected Asaad Al-Hamad Dermatology Center as “Center of Excellence” in the field of “Atopic Eczema” worldwide. Dermatology Consultant and Head of Dermatology at the Center Dr. Atlal Allafi said in a press statement that the selection of the center by a globally renowned organization such as GA2LEN added to the accomplishments of the health system in Kuwait. The Asaad Al-Hamad Center became the first recognized government center in the Middle East, part of 37 international centers, aiming to cooperate, pursue research, participate in global studies, hold educational workshops and exchange experiences to improve quality of health care. — KUNA

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