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Dasman Diabetes Institute organizes awareness outreach

KUWAIT: Dasman Diabetes Institute (founded by Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences), recently organized an awareness outreach at WHO Kuwait. On this occasion, Tarek Aleryan, Director of Public Relations and Media Services at Dasman Diabetes Institute, stated that the Institute participated with its mobile clinic, to conduct various preventative medical testing such as blood glucose, pressure, and vital signs, as the Institute believes in the importance of conducting early checks and spreading awareness on diabetes to contribute to the prevention of this disease and its complications.

In addition, booklets, leaflets, flyers, and other material on educational topics such as the healthy plate, intermittent fasting, how to prevent diabetes, insulin doses and several other subjects were distributed to the staff. Aleryan added, “The Institute spares no effort in spreading awareness among all segments of society, noting the importance of the role played by the Institute through these awareness outreach”.

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