Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah
Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah

Kuwait urges Security Council to protect Palestinian people

UK and Kuwait officials meet on sideline of UNSC session

KUWAIT: Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah relayed Kuwait’s speech to the United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) ministerial session’s open debate on “the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.” Ambassador Al-Sabah commenced his speech by situating this current session against the circumstances in which it is being held; he spoke of the catastrophic conditions in the Gaza Strip, recounting the indescribable crimes and suffering.

He reproved the UNSC’s incapability of performing its political, legal, and humanitarian duties, its double standards, its failure to take a stance against the blatant violations of the Zionist occupation, as well as its failure to adopt a resolution putting an immediate end to its crimes in favor of geopolitical interests. The Ambassador further asserted that they are speaking in defense of the Palestinian people and of the entirety of international law and its stipulations, as it is the protector of the rights of individuals and the stability of member states.

He took the time to reiterate Kuwait’s unwavering stance in support of Palestinian people in the face of a conflict caused primarily by the existence of an expanding occupation. Sustainable peace and security could only be achieved through adherence to agreed-upon stipulations, UNSC resolutions, and the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative ensuring the political rights of Palestinians, commented Ambassador Al-Sabah.

Once again, Kuwait vehemently rejected and condemned the occupation’s ongoing aggression, called for an immediate end to the destruction, and demanded the unimpeded delivery of aid. The Ambassador expressed Kuwait’s regard to the nation of South Africa for the unprecedented step of filing a lawsuit against the occupation at the International Court of Justice. Concluding his statement, Ambassador Al-Sabah urged the UNSC to undertake its responsibility and protect the Palestinian people. He called on the international community to support the resilience of Palestinian people on their own land and warned against attempts at forced eviction.

Kuwait, UK official meet

Meanwhile, Kuwaiti Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Jarrah Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah met on Wednesday with a British official in New York, discussing a multitude of regional and international issues. Sheikh Jarrah and the British State Minister for the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia, the Commonwealth, and the UN Tariq Ahmad’s meeting was held on the sidelines of the UNSC open debate on the Middle East situation, including the Palestinian cause. The two officials also touched on the historical relations between Kuwait and the United Kingdom as well as a score of regional and international issues.

British FM visits the Mideast

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron headed to the Middle East to visit occupied Palestinian territories in Qatar and Turkey to discuss the latest developments in Gaza with the aim of reaching a permanent ceasefire. The British Foreign Office said in a release that Cameron is conducting meetings with regional leaders to discuss ways of allowing the entrance of humanitarian aid to Gaza and releasing prisoners.

The release affirmed that during meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Cameron would focus on the deep concerns over the continuous killings of civilians in Gaza and emphasize the need to restore essential services such as water, electricity, and fuel. It added that his meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas would shed light on Britain’s support for reaching a two-state solution and discuss the possibility of restoring power to Palestinian authorities to control Gaza.

Furthermore, the release noted that Britain is working side by side with Qatar and Turkey to reach regional stability and the safe return of prisoners, noting that Qatar is one of the main mediators in this issue. On the other hand, it said that Cameron will meet with several senior officials in the Turkish government to discuss regional security in the Middle East, in addition to several other issues. — KUNA

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