KUWAIT: HisHighness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received NationalAssembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem at his residency in the United States onFriday. During the audience, His Highness the Amir said to Ghanem, "Conveymy greetings to all Kuwaitis, males and females." Meanwhile, the NationalAssembly Speaker expressed his best wishes for His Highness the Amir to returnhome safely and thanked him for his noble sentiments towards the people ofKuwait.
Meanwhile,leaders of young volunteers involved in the 'National Initiative for Presentingthe Letter of Loyalty' to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-JaberAl-Sabah have posted the letter at public places, reflecting the Kuwaiti peopleaffection toward the great leader. The initiative, involving citizens andforeign residents of the country, will continue, "till the people ofKuwait get assured with comeback of the great leader" to the homeland, theleading activists said in a press statement.
Talal Al-Zamanan,head of the 'Kuwaiti back up and rescue team,' says the letter echoes rejoiceamong the nationals and residents regarding "the successful medical teststhat have been undergone by His Highness the Amir recently. Moreover, itembodies their aspiration to see His Highness back to the homeland and peoplesafe and well." The letter will be posted at shopping malls, universities,the fair ground and other locations frequented by a large number of people. Anyonewill be entitled to sign it to show the affection toward His Highness the Amir.
Meanwhile, headof the voluntary team 'Al-Zajel,' Henan Al-Genaee, explains that any individualor a group of persons can collect signatures in a special record at work placesor 'diwaniyahs,' or among family members and friends. They can print the letterand sign it before delivering it to any center of the Public Authority forYouth in the districts of Al-Shamiya, Al-Jahraa, Al-Ardiya or Al-Qsour.
Nasser Al-Waleed,head of the 'voluntary solidarity team,' said that the letter reflects sincereallegiance and faithfulness of the people for his sagacious leadership andtheir affection toward to the rulers in general. "This has been the casesince establishing the country," he said, praising the unlimited supportfor the initiative from the authority officials, namely its General DirectorAbdulrahman Al-Mutairi.
Waleed adds thatthe involved voluntary teams will also launch it on the social media so it mayreach the largest number possible of citizens and expatriates, noting that anyyoung person wishing to be involved in the activity is welcome. In themeantime, Nasser Al-Shemmari, the head of 'Al-Jawallah team' and members of thenational scout movement affirm that the scout teams will be among the first toink the written message for His Highness' wellbeing. - KUNA