KUWAIT: Zain, theleading digital service provider in Kuwait, announced its platinum sponsorshipof the 36th annual conference of the National Union of Kuwaiti Students in theUnited States of America (NUKS USA), which is set to be held from November 28to December 1, 2019 in San Diego, California under the patronage of HisHighness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah.
Zain expressedits pride in being the platinum sponsor of the conference, continuing its roleas a main supporter of the event for 16 years. The conference is considered thelargest gathering of Kuwaiti students abroad, and Zain's support comes in linewith its corporate sustainability and social responsibility strategy towardsthe youth and education sectors, as well as its belief in connecting with thecountry's youth abroad.
As it does everyyear; Zain will be contributing to the event by organizing a number of uniqueactivities and programs. The company will be sponsoring a special sportsseminar featuring many distinguished Kuwaiti athletes, as well as organizingthe thrilling 'Zain Football Tournament' for students. Zain will also host aworkshop that discusses accelerating tech startups, featuring many successfulentrepreneurs.
Zain willparticipate in recognizing the top performing Kuwaiti graduates from the US,and will also take part in a special exhibition for sponsors, where the companywill offer its exclusive promotions to students, present its available careeropportunities, as well as showcase its leading experience in the telecomsector. In addition, Zain has prepared a number of surprises for students whowill be visiting the event.
The conferencewill feature many unique activities, including a workshop entitled 'Phonorizma'for creating a charismatic brand through social media and smartphones, aself-development workshop for female students, and an economic seminar. Theevent will also host the stars of Kuwait Pulse 88.8 FM, and a concert bypopular Kuwaiti band Miami. All these activities and more will feature manypublic/media figures, politicians, social activists, athletes, and more.
Zain's presencein the event conveys its enthusiasm to interact with the future generations ofKuwaiti youth, especially those who pursue their education abroad, as the NUKSUSA conference is considered the largest gathering of Kuwaitis outside ofKuwait, and welcomes students from all around the US. The distinctive eventappeals to students on both an intellectual and social levels and it serves asan open forum for them to exchange opinions and views regarding importantdomestic issues with the presence of distinguished national figures from theKuwaiti society.
Zain sees itsannual participation in the conference as part of its responsibility as aleading national company to help provide bright and enthusiastic young Kuwaitiswith a great social experience, as well as listen to their ideas andexperiences while pursuing their education abroad.
The NUKS USAserves nearly 14,000 Kuwaiti students studying in the United States. The unionaims, through its events and programs, to connect Kuwaiti students with eachother on one level, and with their nation and the latest updates of the Kuwaiticommunity on another. NUKS USA was publicized in the US and was granted therecognition of the United States government. The achievement is considered aproud milestone for Kuwait's youth, and is a direct result of the greatrelations between the State of Kuwait and United States. Such a recognition isa clear reflection of the strategic relations between the two nations.