DUBAI: Zain Kuwait's Chief Executive Officer Eaman Al-Roudhan (second left) and President of Huawei Digital Power Global Marketing & Sales Services Charles Yang, among others, during the Huawei Digital Power Summit in Dubai.
KUWAIT: Zain, the leading digital service provider in Kuwait, participated in the Global Digital Power Summit 2021, organized by Huawei on the sidelines of GITEX in Dubai, with the aim of enabling organizations to seize the opportunities inherent in renewable energy by relying on digital technologies to achieve sustainability goals.
Zain's participation in the global efforts that deal with digital energy business, as hopes are pinned on advancing the digital transformation in the energy sector to get rid of carbon emissions, as it looks forward to the success of these efforts that seek to integrate digital and electrical technologies to generate safe energy, which is accelerating greater after the pandemic, indicating that the technological sectors are currently looking to rely on safe energy, especially with the stage of economic recovery as a contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
The company stated that the telecommunications industry is taking collaborative measures to be fully transparent about the climate emissions resulting from that industry, and the sector has developed a roadmap for climate action at the industry level, in the aim of achieving "net-zero" greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, reducing carbon emissions by 50 percent on 2030 in line with the Paris Climate Agreement, as Zain is one of the 50 mobile telecommunications companies that make up more than two-thirds of mobile telecommunications companies in the world, to reveal the impact of its operations on the climate, such as its energy consumption rates and greenhouse gases emissions.
Zain Kuwait's Chief Executive Officer Eaman Al-Roudhan said during the participation in the Digital Energy Summit: "Zain realizes that the risks of climate change are an unfolding crisis that poses serious risks to the prosperity and well-being of the region. Zain is taking concerted actions in achieving its goals to reduce carbon emissions and is also committed in its operations to reducing its environmental footprint."
Zain shared its commitment towards initiatives that help in reducing environmental impact, as the company is serious about playing a proactive role in building its operations, as well as managing its products, services, and value chain to achieve its goals related to reducing carbon emissions.
Al-Roudhan added: "On the other hand, as part of our social contract, and in order to create more resilience, we intend to use our reach to build awareness of the communities in which we work on about climate-related issues, as our commitment involves taking decisive action to conserve energy, as well as helping the business sectors of our customers to contribute in reducing carbon emissions by adopting the latest digital solutions and using renewable energy sources."
Al-Roudhan concluded: "the main objective of this participation is to invest our efforts and expertise with our partners in the technology sector to cooperate in achieving carbon neutrality, and to rely on new sources of energy such as solar energy, which will contribute to enhancing our competitiveness in the energy sector and providing a secure and sustainable future for the next generations.".
Zain is keen on aligning its actions with the recommendations of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report and with the goals of Paris Agreement, along with the recommendations of the Global Mobile Telecommunications Union (GSMA), and through digital transformation initiatives, expanding the reach of the list of services as much as possible.
The company is working to unleash many opportunities offered by the Sustainability Developmental Goals (SDGs), and as part of these efforts, Zain was keen to be a member of the 'Carbon Disclosure Project' (CDP), when it took a decisive step in disclosing its climate impacts and energy consumption and its greenhouse gas emissions and is now rated in this global project in Management Scope (B), making it the first telecom company in the Middle East and Africa region to achieve this rating in the areas of addressing climate change.
Charles Yang, President of Huawei Digital Power Global Marketing & Sales Services said: "The world awaits the potential of Gulf countries and the Middle East in sustainable digital energy, and that in light of the efforts made by companies in the region to achieve sustainable digital transformation, the energy business will be Huawei's digital technology is one of the vital support branches to achieve sustainability goals and reduce carbon emissions."
Charles pointed out that about 40 percent of carbon emissions globally come from electrical systems, as many countries have set a timetable for achieving carbon neutrality, but we must design electrical systems based on new and safe sources of energy. Carbon neutrality is one of the priorities that Huawei's digital energy business focuses on in the Gulf region over the coming years, as Huawei's digital energy business was established earlier this year, as it aims to support the transformation of the work of various sectors, industries, and institutions to be green with low carbon emissions and costs. operational.
Huawei operates its digital energy business globally in five areas: smart photovoltaics, data center facilities, mPower power systems for electric vehicles, on-site power, and integrated power solutions. Over the recent years, Zain has taken significant steps to address its environmental footprint by setting brief targets to reduce emissions, reduce waste, raise awareness, and identify the risks and opportunities of climate change.
Zain is keen on contributing to regional and international efforts to help deal with policy and regulatory reforms such as those stipulated in the 'Paris Agreement' formulated by the United Nations, by setting emissions reduction targets, reducing waste and aligning with the 'Sustainable Development Goals' (SDGs). Through a series of concerted actions, the company is demonstrating its commitment to ensuring that the impacts of any climate-related risks and potential negative impacts on the environment are mitigated and minimized.
To achieve its strategic objectives, Zain works to meet the expectations and needs of its customers and is always ready to offer new services that reach the level of its customers' aspirations in line with the development witnessed by the world in the technological fields. Zain seeks to play a decisive role as a digital communications provider amidst changes and technological transformations in the markets, by providing the latest solutions and services to accelerate the growth of the business environment, whether in the sector of large institutions or small and emerging businesses.