Company recognizes their distinguished efforts during Q3 2016


KUWAIT:  Zain, the leading telecommunications company in Kuwait, held an honoring ceremony to recognize the efforts of its high-performing Value Added Services partners during the third quarter of 2016.

Zain officials from the Value Added Services Department recognized the company's distinguished partners for their excellent efforts in providing the highest quality VAS services to the largest family of subscribers in Kuwait. Zain is keen on offering the most advanced and competitive services to reflect the company's leading position in the telecom sector.

Zain prides the strategic partnership it has with its Value Added Services partners, and is keen on recognizing their performance on a quarterly basis to shed light on their efforts to offer the best products and services to its customers.

During the event, Zain recognized the performance of 'One Global' who ranked first in both the overall performance and the target achievement. Additionally, 'Numbase Limited' came first in Zain's VAS net revenue, while 'SLA' and 'Tranglo' came first in the target achievement.

Zain's relationship with its partners and authorized distributers is based on a strategy that aims at providing the highest levels of customer service and the most competitive offerings in the telecom sector. Zain encourages its VAS partners to maintain their performance and continue offering the best services and products to its customers.