By Abdellatif Sharaa

KUWAIT: World Bowling Championship will start today at Kuwait Bowling Club Complex and will continue until October 15th with 400 players representing 24 teams for men and 12 for women.

The men’s competition includes teams from Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Macau, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, UAE, Oman, Iran, Jordan, Malaysia, Czechoslovak, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Colombia, Canada, Egypt in addition to Kuwait.

The women’s teams include Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Philippines, China, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Denmark, Germany, Colombia, Canada in addition to host Kuwait. President of International and Asian Bowling Federations Sheikh Talal Al-Sabah said the organizing committee is ready for this world event and the complex is at its best to receive the world champions.

He said participating teams arrived in Kuwait and already began training, getting ready for competitions that are expected to be highly competitive in the presence of the world’s best players.

He said the organization of this sports gathering in Kuwait will place Kuwait bowling sport on the world’s map, in addition to its role in reflecting the civilized image of Kuwait as international media organizations will be available to broadcast competitions.

He said Kuwait’s players are ready for competitions, as they completed their preparations to present the best level, and their participation in this event will give them highly important experience.