NEW YORK: Kuwaiti women have played an important role in building the modern state and societal development as a crucial element of national development, said a Kuwaiti diplomat. The state can’t implement its future vision unless women are allowed to make an effective and principal contribution, Third Secretary of Kuwait’s Permanent Mission at the UN, Wafeeqa AlMulla, said during the third social, humanitarian, and cultural committee of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, held late Tuesday.

She reiterated Kuwait’s commitment to the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action regarding gender equality and women’s empowerment, just out of its constitution, which states that people are equal in rights and duties without any discrimination. She boasted that her country had adopted several measures and legislation pertinent to gender equality, which ensure women’s rights to education, work, economic independence, personal status, social security, housing, and health care.

Al-Mulla pointed out that Kuwaiti women make up 80 percent of Kuwait University students, and females constitute 47 percent of university graduates. Politically, Kuwaiti women have contributed to political decision-making over the years by taking up several leading posts, mainly ministerial and parliamentary positions, the Kuwaiti diplomat boasted.

She concluded by underscoring the necessity of having a strong political will and an innovative approach to wipe out all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls everywhere.- KUNA