Dr Bader Al-DaihaniThe heated events that are going on around the world, and in our region in particular, should not keep us from attending to our problems and issues including our internal worries. The first of these issues, as we have said many times, is comprehensive democratic-political reform, which must be done so that the economic and financial defects we suffer from can be reformed, besides reforming education and enhancing the health and social services, then we can talk about the ambitious sustainable humanitarian development plans.The lack of serious work on reforming the political system and developing it means the continuation of the institutional political corruption which is the main reason for other types of corruption. As a result, the serious defects our national economy is suffering from will continue, the budget deficit will increase and public debt will accumulate as well as what follows in economic, social and political repercussions. Public problems that are there today will get worse in education and health, or using national human resources and developing them, and this is what will increase public anger, and reduce public confidence in the government's policies and actions.In other words, we are facing difficult and highly complicated challenges that need a good and aware political system that is free of corruption, bearing in mind that time is not in our favor, because the political situation around the world and the region is troubled and unstable, the capitalistic world economy is suffering from highly complicated structural problems, and its situation is not assuring. Oil prices are fluctuating, and will not return to what it was before its drop, that apart from the fact that the importance of oil itself as an energy source at a global level began to decline in favor of oil shale and clean energy alternatives.Therefore, there is a need for a general administration that is wise and good, and is able to face difficult challenges both current and future ones. It should have high ability and confidence to manage crises and deal with general problems. The good and wise general administration is the one that makes long term development plans, and the one that makes policies, and sets the type of required general programs, then asks the economic and administrative sectors to implement them under its supervision and inspection. But to continue with the consumed government rhetoric about the ability of the private sector to deal with general problems like unemployment, education, health, housing, social services and management of economic and financial crises is an empty talk, as we have said many times.This is because the responsibility of reforming the general situation, fighting corruption of all its types and management of public crises, as well as solving society problems is that of the government, apart from which the private sector itself is in constant need, due to its welfare and parasitic nature, of the government intervention to rescue it from its repeated structural crises.-Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-JaridaBy Bader Al-Daihani