By Ghadeer Ghloum

KUWAIT: Living without domestic workers can be challenging and may result in a loss of order and increased chaos in Kuwaiti households. Without domestic assistance, the responsibilities of maintaining cleanliness, organization and daily chores often fall solely on the residents of the home, especially the mother, since society considers raising kids and doing household chores to be a woman’s duty. Kuwait Times interviewed Reem Fares, a Kuwaiti working mother, and Gretel, a domestic helper, to take a closer look at the impact of domestic workers on Kuwaiti households.

According to Fares, domestic workers play a significant role among Kuwaiti families, providing essential services and support for household chores and childcare. “My domestic helper has become like a sister to me. To be honest, I don’t think I can do all the household chores alone, and I don’t think the house will be as it is now even if I tried,” she said. “Perhaps over time and by getting used to it, I can be better at accomplishing house chores, but I still don’t think it will be as good as my domestic helper keeps it.

She dedicates herself to working in the house, its cleanliness and organizing it, and she cares about the details that add beauty to the house. But if I am to work outside of the house, cook, clean and take care of my son all at once, I will definitely fail in something. Therefore, I can’t let go of her, and I believe that if I gave birth to another child, I will need another domestic helper,” Fares added. In many households, domestic workers have become an essential part of the family, forming close relationships with the members.

They often provide not only practical assistance, but also emotional support to the family members, especially children. “Now more than ever, domestic helpers are in high demand, because women often work outside of the home, and men may not be as accustomed to performing household chores,” Fares said. “Moreover, it is worth noting that unlike women in the past, women today are not used to doing chores. For example, I never cooked a meal before getting married and I am still unable to cook main dishes.

I believe most mothers of this generation have grown up in homes that have had a domestic helper, and this is basically how their life is. Although society might expect women to do household chores, today it is as complicated and unfamiliar to women as it is to men,” she pointed out. Gretel, who preferred not to reveal her surname, shared with Kuwait Times a glimpse of her experience of being a domestic helper. She said the key to accomplishing household chores is by creating a list in her mind to organize her daily responsibilities, which helps her remember whatever additional tasks her employers ask her to do.

Developing a routine creates a sense of order and prevents her from feeling overwhelmed. Gretel added the most challenging part is when her employers host too many visitors who may not bring their own domestic helpers with them to help her out with the cooking and other preparations, or the cleaning and dishwashing that comes after the guests leave late at night.