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Nowadays, we are surrounded by restlessness everywhere. Opening a newspaper, one can only read about disasters and depression. Tuning in to TV channels is no different, where many disgusting series talk about sadness, treason and pessimism. Songs are disturbing. Open windows and you would be appalled by automobile horns honking loudly. Drive a vehicle and you will be shocked by traffic congestions and horror on various streets. Apply for a job and you will find endless lines waiting before you, etc. I wonder how we have changed since the liberation.

We have become more envious and jealous. What on earth changed us that much, while we possess all the elements of modern and good lifestyles? Nevertheless, we are living in constant sadness and depression. Many people’s hearts have been inflicted with envy and craving for whatever others have or possess. They even wish others would lose such possessions. Has our affluence become a curse after we used to go to sleep happily on roofs to seek cooler temperatures?

Our dialect is influenced by various cultures. Our treasured old Kuwaiti vocabulary is fading away. Senior citizens who still link us to that beautiful past are about to perish themselves. Whenever you shake hands with someone, he immediately grows suspicious that you want something from him.

Corrupt people are everywhere almost like flies that have been giving us many diseases like diabetes and BP. In addition, robbers have invaded us by land, sea and air. They have climbed into our houses in different masks. One might think their hands are clean and chaste, but you would immediately find that they were born to be thieves and that they would do anything, hiding behind slogans of patriotism.

So many concepts and behaviors changed after the liberation. We now have sectarian discrimination. We grew more fanatic over doctrines and tribes at the expense of the state. In addition, hard workers are now outcasts while lazy ones are the most favorable. The world has not changed…it is people and principles that have! -Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Anbaa

By Sami Al-Khorafi