By Ali Hamza

A quantum computer is a computer which makes use of quantum mechanical principles. On a small scale, physical matter exhibits particles and waves characteristics at small scales. A quantum computer utilizes these two characteristics by using specialized hardware that helps in creation and manipulation of quantum states. A scalable quantum computer could execute operations 10 times faster than any modern computer. A large-scale quantum computer could break popular encryption and assist physicists in running physical simulations.

According to researchers at Google, the fastest supercomputer in the world would take 47 years to compute the complex calculations performed by Google’s Sycamore quantum computer in mere seconds. The most powerful quantum computer is IBM’s Osprey quantum computer with the power of 433 qubits, it has the potential to run complex quantum computations way beyond the computational capability of any classical computer. For reference, the amount of classic computer bits required to express a state on its processor is much greater than the total number of atoms in the known universe.

How do they work?

While conventional computers use bits to process and store information. Each bit can be either a 0 or a 1, identical to how a switch is either on or off. A quantum computer is different as it uses quantum bits or qubits. Identical to regular computers, Quantum computers get more powerful as the number of quantum bits increases. Qubits can be both 0 and 1 at the same time by using a property called superposition. In simpler words, it is like having a spinning coin that’s both heads and tails until it stops spinning and lands on a side.

This ability to be in multiple states at once is what makes a quantum computer unique. Quantum computers also use a property called entanglement. Presume having 2 qubits which are entangled. When the state of one qubit changes, the other qubit’s state also changes, no matter how far apart they are. Both properties, superposition and entanglement, allow quantum computers to solve complex tasks faster than regular computers. Apart from these properties, Quantum computers consist of many other properties such as, Quantum algorithms which are designed to support their unique properties, it can also factor large numbers exponentially faster than classical algorithms. This has implications for cryptography.

However, building a quantum computer is considered extremely complex as they are very fragile and sensitive, they need to be kept incredibly cold and isolated to protect qubits from external interference. It is crucial for a quantum computer to have an error detection system as quantum states are extremely delicate and vulnerable to disruption.

What does it mean for our future?

Due to their unique computational capabilities, Quantum computers have the potential to transform several faces of our future. Many of the encryptions that are used to protect our online transactions and communications can be cracked by a quantum computer, however quantum computers can also enable new forms of encryption that are virtually unbreakable using conventional computers.

Numerous industries, including logistics, supply chain management and finance could use quantum computers to solve complicated optimization issues. They could help in identifying more effective solutions to issues that are now computationally uncontrollable by conventional computers. Quantum computers can create better models for atoms interacting with one another, which would lead to a more precise understanding of molecular structure. This may directly impact drug and chemical research and affect the way new products and medicines are developed.

AI can only function to a certain extent due to their set amount of computational power. With quantum computers it could potentially enhance machine learning and algorithms by processing and analyzing vast amounts of data quicker than conventional computers. They may be very useful in training complex models and pattern recognition tasks. Quantum computers could help in optimization of energy storage and distribution, which would lead to more efficient utilization of resources.

They can also contribute to more accurate and efficient simulations of complex systems, including climate modeling. Which would lead to better predictions and strategies for reducing the effects of climate change. Quantum computers may improve financial modeling and risk assessment by simulating complex financial scenarios more accurately, this would help investors make better investment decisions and manage market risks. It is important to note that quantum computers are still in development, many countries are eager to invest in quantum computing as it would be of significant benefit to the nations.

“Quantum computing is a new pattern that's set to revolutionize how we process information. It's a field that's still in its early stages, but the potential is enormous, it could provide the computational power needed to solve problems that are currently beyond our reach” said Asher Farooqi an embedded systems engineer, in a statement.