Kuwait's dates are famous the world over for their juicy, lush sweetness. Summer time and especially August is prime date season, when the luscious fruit ripens to its full, bursting best. Dates come in an array of varities including: Ajwa, Birhi, Ikhlass, Khudary, Makboosh and Sukari.

Known in Arabic as tamr (dried date), dates have been popular in the Arabian Peninsula since the earliest recorded history and are referenced in the Holy Quran more than 20 times. In Kuwait, date palms provide the majority of fruit produced in the country. The Kuwaiti people often plant palm trees in their gardens.
Fruit bearing palm trees can also be found in local parks, along streets and on the seaside. The moderate warm and hot weather in most of the Arab region is the most appropriate environment for palm trees making the Arab world the first in growing palm trees in the world.