The Western press has recently reflected Western leaders' general tendency to wage a complete war against the Islamic State (IS) group in retaliation for the recent Paris blasts that I hope nobody would immediately describe as the 'Paris Foray' the way they did with 'Manhattan Foray'. There are strong calls by rightist powers, such as the Republican party in the US, for immediate land military offensives in Syria after creating a no-fly zone to the north of Syria to be used to shelter refugees in order to eventually rid European countries from the headache caused by those fleeing Assad's hell and IS butchers.
Very few of those sounding the drums of a global war against IS realize that such wars will not be the perfect remedy, because for most of them, the problem was narrowed down to that terrorist group headquartered in Syria and Iraq that managed to establish an Islamic state on vast territories in those two failing states. Such narrow-minded view sees that IS ought to be narrowed down and terminated in its cradle to end Arab and Muslim terrorism in Western countries. It seems that the Western public opinion does not care about continuity of terrorism in Arab countries because the Paris blasts made them totally forget about those in southern Lebanon and about hundreds others and mass killings in Syria and Iraq by the very same IS members or the avenging Shiite militia fighting them.
Agreeing that IS, Al-Qaeda and others are symptoms of reality in the Arab and Muslim world and that the real disease lies in a cancer-like dominating culture is not new. IS and Al-Qaeda spread in our countries and their extension amidst the second generation of Muslim migrants in the West cannot in any way be confronted with fighter planes and huge armies. They are mere symptoms and what really needs to be fought is the historic legacy and Arab regimes' totalitarianism with assistance of some Western countries. This is the real huge cancerous tumor that needs to be removed and Western armies will not do any good nor be able to remove it. - Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-Jarida
By Hassan Al-Essa