KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry will open for registration and transfer amongst electoral constituencies in the period between February 22-29 and March 1-20, head of the elections department Colonel Salah Al-Shatti announced. Voters aged 20+ wishing to register would have to submit original citizenship documents plus photocopy, original civil ID plus photocopy, he said.

Request denied

Hawally committee at the Municipal Council rejected a request made to allow the Union of Cooperative Consumer Societies (UCCS) to rent some floors in its headquarters building in Hawally. Committee chairman Yousif Al-Ghareeb said that in addition to rejecting the request, the committee referred another request to pave an open yard in Salwa overlooking Fahaheel expressway for further discussion. "The committee also postponed a proposal on publishing the names of stores selling inedible and expired food items and meats in the press and various media," he said. In another development, the Capital municipality inspection teams recently found a store in a Salhiya multi-floor parking building that had been used for preparing food stuff and items without having a license. Team members detected insects and noticed that the place lacked cleanliness too.

Telecom towers procrastination

The head of a Municipal Council's fact-finding committee investigating telecom towers, Osama Al-Otaibi refused what he described as 'procrastination' between Kuwait Municipality and the Fatwa and Legislation Department concerning the telecom towers law chart. "We refuse the idea of spending years to set laws as this costs the state considerable losses to be paid in compensation," he added, pointing out that the committee had already reviewed a report made by the Ministry of Health about the possible damage as well as condition to avoid them.

By Meshaal Al-Enezi