Saeed Jaffrey, one of the best-known faces of British-Indian cinema and television, has died at the age of 86, his family said. The Indian-born British actor appeared in the biopic “Gandhi” as well as many Bollywood films and British television productions Among his screen credits in a career spanning more than 50 years, were roles in director John Huston’s “The Man Who Would Be King” and Indian director Satyajit Ray’s “The Chess Players”, as well as the BBC television series and the film versions of “A Passage to India”. Other roles included parts on the long-running British soap opera “Coronation Street” as well as starring roles in the British series “Tandoori Nights” and “Little Napoleons”.
Jaffrey was born on Jan 8, 1929 into a Muslim family in Malerkotta, Punjab, and started his acting career by setting up his own theatre company in New Delhi. His death was announced on Sunday by his niece, Shaheen Aggarwal, in a posting on Facebook in which she said: “Today, a generation of Jaffreys has passed away. Saeed Jaffrey has joined his brothers and sister and is rejoicing in the lap of his Heavenly Father, eternally.”— Reuters