KUWAIT: Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity's Chairman Jamal Al-Nouri (left) and UNHCR bureau representative in Kuwait Dr Samer Haddadeen shake hands after signing the accord. - KUNA
KUWAIT: The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Kuwaiti Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charity inked yesterday an accord to grant financial aid to the UNHCR for securing vital assistance for some 2,600 Syrian refugee families in Jordan.
The UNHCR said in a statement that the agreement would help in improving living conditions for the most impoverished refugees, namely cases of special needs, indicating that the sum would secure dwelling, health utensils and monthly financial support. The accord was inked by the UNHCR bureau representative in Kuwait Dr Samer Haddadeen and the association's chairman Jamal Abdulkhaleq Al-Nouri.
The agreement is the first of its kind to be worked out between the two parties and the first such initiative on part of the Kuwaiti association in coordination with the UNHCR in Jordan. According to the World Food Programme, many Syrian refugees in Jordan are deprived of food. - KUNA