ROME: Kuwait's effective and interactive participation in the talks of the UN Food Systems Summit +2 helps to share expertise and knowledge and strengthen food security system considering international fluctuations, said a Kuwait official Tuesday. Dr Reem Ghazi Al-Fulaij, head of Kuwait's delegation to the summit and chairperson of Public Authority for Food and Nutrition (PAFN), said in a statement to KUNA.

Kuwait is taking part in this key meeting to assess the talks of the food systems summits, the first of which was held in 2021, she said, adding that Kuwait was among the leading countries to have prepared and organized three talks of the systems locally. Kuwait has started serious work to activate implementing most of the recommendations resulting from these talks, said Fulaij. One of the most important achievements is establishing a national committee for school nutrition headed by the PAFN chief, she said.

The recommendations also highlighted the dire need of establishing a national body tasked with nutrition and food security, she said. She referred that the UN food summit slated for September would crystallize all recommendations to help deal with them seriously. Fulaij stressed the importance of this summit in reviewing nutrition systems, particularly after the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on all countries all over the world. She also lauded Kuwait's success, thanks to its strong food system, in avoiding the crisis of supply chains facing most of the world.

Kuwait has spared no efforts to boost and cement the bases of the national food security, considering the situation caused by the war between Ukraine and Russia, Fulaij said. The summit is important for countries to help them share expertise and knowledge as well as strengthen food systems to help countries like Kuwait, which depends on imports, to secure its food security based on a strong national system, she explained. The three-day summit features 1,200 participants, including several dignitaries, from 161 countries. - KUNA