Don Bosco
Don Bosco

UGC holds Inter-School Soccer tourney for U-14 - ‘Friendship through Sports’

KUWAIT: The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Arab Tennis Federation, Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jaber Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah, mourned with great sadness and sorrow the loss of Kuwait and the Arab and Islamic nations of the late Amir of Kuwait, Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God rest his soul.

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jaber said, on his behalf and on behalf of the members of the Board of Directors of the Arab Tennis Federation, that Kuwait, the Arab nation, and the entire world lost the late Amir, a symbol and a wise leader who devoted his life to serving the people of his country and nation, adding that the path of Sheikh Nawaf, may God have mercy on him, was full of achievements and a honorable national and Arab supporter, noting that he remained distinguished throughout his career by his keenness to promote virtues, values, and belief in the importance of the unity and solidarity of all the people of the nation, so that Kuwait remains strong through the unity and cohesion of its people.

Sheikh Ahmed Al-Jaber stated that Kuwaiti sports during the reign of Sheikh Nawaf witnessed remarkable development in light of his interest in his athletes and his support and encouragement for them to make achievements and represent Kuwait honorably in all international forums. He was also keen to support Arab sports and bring together Arab brothers. He called on God Almighty to shower with mercy and forgiveness, and may he reside in spacious Ferdous. We ask God Almighty to bless His Highness the Amir, Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, may God protect him.

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