KUWAIT: The court of cassation upheld the sentence of a murderer to 10 years in prison in what is known as the Qadisiya Cooperative Society crime, where the killer stabbed the deceased several times because of a parking dispute. The events of the case date back to two years, when security services arrested a young Kuwaiti born in 1995, who stabbed a citizen born in 1986 (Hassan Ashkanani), in front of a pastry shop in Qadisiya.

The victim was pronounced dead at Amiri Hospital, and the incident was recorded as a murder. The criminal security department found the incident resulted due to a fight, during which the accused stabbed the victim. Ashkanani had parked his car in the parking lot of Qadisiya Cooperative Society, and when he got out of his car, he was confronted by the killer, who accused him of taking his parking spot. The victim ignored him and went to the pastry shop. But the killer followed him and stabbed him several times in his back and heart until he died.