Just like this newspaper is a sign of the intelligence, planning and productive ability of human beings, the universe is a sign of the omniscience, will, and omnipotence of a Creator. The Quran recounts many natural phenomena as 'signs' of the existence and power of God. Many of these phenomena we see on a daily basis and, perhaps for that reason, we don't consider them miraculous. But if we really give thought to these phenomena, we will see a powerful presence behind it.
The following are just a few of the many signs presented in the Quran. "Blessed is He who has placed in the sky great stars and placed therein a [burning] lamp and a luminous moon" (25:61). "It is Allah who made for you the night that you may rest therein and the day giving sight. Indeed, Allah is full of bounty to the people, but most of the people are not grateful." (40:61)
"Do you not see that ships sail through the sea by the favor of Allah and that He may show you of His signs? Indeed, in that are signs for everyone patient and grateful" (31:31). People have stopped wondering how ships that weigh tons can float on the water, even though a mobile phone, when dropped in the water, quickly sinks! Similarly, when we see an airplane flying high or low, we rarely pause to think what a miracle it is. It is, I believe, a mighty sign of a generous Lord.
"And we placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and caused to burst forth therefrom some springs - that they may eat of His fruit. And their hands have not produced it. So will they not be grateful?" (36:34-35). The fact that a fruit-bearing tree can sprout from a tiny seed is a sign of Allah's power and care. Even though we may create the best conditions for a plant's growth, we have no real power over it when it withers and dies.
"And it is He who produced for you hearing and vision and intellect. Little are you grateful." (23:78) If I asked you to sell me your eyes, you would refuse, knowing that your sight is priceless, as are your abilities to hear and reason. Doesn't the granter such precious things deserve our gratitude? "And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy.
Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought." (30:21) Our Creator has not only given us a comfortable environment, nutritious foods to eat, the ability to travel far and wide, and abilities so that we can acquire and share knowledge, He has also satisfied our social needs for love, family and belonging. His intention for our relationships is clear: tranquility, affection and mercy.
These are just a few of the 'signs' of a powerful, generous, caring Creator. Compared to these great feats, there is little we can do to return such favors and blessings. However, as the verses imply, we should at least be grateful and, by doing so, acknowledge God and believe in Him. If you need a little help along the way, the Quran will guide you. It is described at the outset of chapter 14 as 'A Book We have send down to you so that you [Muhammad (PBUH)] may bring humanity out of darkness into the light by the permission of their Lord." The Quran is one of the greatest signs of God - truly a miracle of miracles.
Courtesy of the TIES Center, whose mission is to empower Kuwait's expats through social and educational services that promote a positive and productive role in society, and to facilitate opportunities for intra- and interfaith interactions that promote social solidarity. For more information, please call 25231015/6 or e-mail: [email protected].
By Teresa Lesher