Parliaments are the most corrupt institutions worldwide, and not only in the Arab world or Kuwait. The reason behind this is that most of those seeking parliamentary seats are people with ambitions to feel distinguished through power, money, prestige, fame and connections with senior officials in their countries, which are all very tempting and capable of taking people from zero up to the most glamorous and extravagant worlds.In addition, and unlike official or executive government politicians who are subject to dismissal or penalties, a parliamentarian is a politician who is protected by immunity. It is this power of parliamentary bullying that subjects ministers to their control and mercy. Corrupt parliamentarians, not all of them, often use such powers to make personal, financial and political gains.The advanced world with very ancient democracies also has corrupt parliamentarians, but it less tolerant and stricter with them. Therefore, there are fewer corrupt lawmakers, because political practices there are much closer to democracy than those we have in Arab countries, and this helps reduce the amount of corruption that is limitless in our countries.Many Arab parliamentarians have linked parliamentary practices to making large fortunes and endless personal and financial gains. Many of them made astronomical figures without fear of any monitoring or control. On the contrary, the more money they make, the more supporters and voters they get, as if they are being rewarded for their corruption and treason to the principles for which they were elected in the first place and to the oaths they take while being sworn in.The public power that is supposed to monitor lawmakers' performance in parliaments is absolutely missing - be that willingly or forcefully. So, why not form a small enlightened and faithful group in each electoral constituency to act a public tool to monitor lawmakers' performance and hold them accountable whenever their performance is below par or is suspected to be driven by personal gains? The presence of such a power will surely improve lawmakers' performance and stop, or at least reduce, corruption. - Translated by Kuwait Times from Al-AnbaaBy Saleh Al-Shayeji