By Dr Khalid Al-Saleh is no doubt that there is a conflict between some values of Islam and some of the West’s, and I say some values because most values of Islam and those countries are similar. Freedom, justice and equality are shared values; rather Islam has precedence with those values and a tinge of mercy in their application. Since the Islamic caliphates surrounded Europe and wars and counterwars erupted between them, it became clear that these wars will continue forever, whether it is cold or hot. The two sides have their tools, but maybe the most important tool of the conflict against Arabs and true Islam is the recruitment of agents.The idea of recruiting agents began since the seventh Crusade in 1250, and it was expressed by King Louis IX of France and the leader of the eighth Crusades. The same idea was confirmed by the senior Archbishop of Greece Gregory, who despite the generosity of the Ottoman state and hosting him, was not ashamed to give advice to the Russians on how to defeat Muslims, most important of which is to damage their internal structure and pure faith through the agents. Today we see the agents in every place of our Muslim world, and they are more concentrated among Arabs, especially in the countries of the Arab peninsula, in which the elements of the coming hope have gathered.The foundations of love in society are being damaged with sectarianism, tribalism, categorization, and most dangerously, Westernization. We see among us today a group of people who agree only on the hatred of religion. They do not pray and fast and speak day and night about religious terrorism. They claim to be liberals, but do not understand any rule of liberalism. They understand freedom as freedom to drink alcohol and have mixed parties. As for democracy, it means they alone can win elections. They understand equality as we Arabs becoming part of the Western culture. They spread among our youth all the heresies of cultures.They fought our beautiful language and culture in all fields and succeeded in making some of our youth alien in their dressing, tongue and thought. They preoccupied the society in never-ending domestic wars and preoccupied opinion holders in their trivial issues instead of concentrating on true science and development of culture. Those today are the strongest enemies of Islam, as their clothes are stretchy and loose, as the sectarian who hates true Islam removes the clothes of his sectarianism and wears those of liberalism to attack whoever he chooses among Muslim scholars.The corrupt person who becomes angry towards the society’s view of him and objection towards his behavior wears the clothes of liberalism to claim that he is a person of intellect instead of a drunkard. So, liberalism was transformed with their own hands from noble values to just a claw of the agents of the West in the war against Islam. Gentlemen, the values of true liberalism came with the first word the Prophet of Humanity (PBUH) — "Read”.It came with a collection of practices the generation of the Prophet’s (PBUH) companions understood ("When did you start enslaving people, when their mothers gave birth to them free?”) These are practices of the best nation in the world that all nations learned and issued under various names. The clear truth is that the values of our religion suit every searcher of freedom, justice and equality, and whoever hates our religion is not a liberal — rather he is a mere fifth column living among us.
Opinion - Others

Dr. Khalid Al-Saleh
The fifth column
April 17, 2023 07:19 PM