KUWAIT: A delegation from the Tarahum Charity Association made a humanitarian trip to follow up on the implementation and opening of several projects in Benin, Uganda, and Togo. During the trip, the delegation visited important stations. The Executive Director of Tarahum Association for Charitable and Humanitarian Works, Abdulhamid Al-Dosari, said: "The visit witnessed the follow-up of educational advocacy projects such as mosques, Islamic centers, classrooms, and the distribution of the Quran, as well as other developmental projects such as the distribution of sewing machines, dairy cows, motorcycles, and the shop project."

"The delegation also followed up on the opening of several health projects adopted by the association during the past years," he explained. He added that such humanitarian trips are a testimony to the generosity of the people of Kuwait, who contribute on a daily basis to alleviate the suffering of Muslims in Africa.

This is evident in the water well projects that benefit thousands of needy people. "The delegation followed up on its implementation," he said. Al-Dosari valued the generosity and charity of the people of Kuwait, which was the reason for the implementation of these projects in their various variations, asking God Almighty to bless them and reward them.