KUWAIT: A Syrian man who was arrested for attempting to enter the ministry of defense was sent to state security for questioning. A military patrol noticed the man parking his car near the boundary wall of Al-Jewan building, then walking to the main gate and attempting to slip in. Patrolmen found he was a Syrian who claimed to have an appointment, but on checking, he was found to be lying.
'Infiltrator' caught
A bedoon (stateless) man attempted to go through the security barriers towards an aircraft that was heading to Britain, but airport security men stopped him. After some silence, he told them: "I want to go to Britain." A security source said airport police noticed a man attempting to go past them, then he escaped when they confronted them, jumped over the barriers and rushed to gate number 2, but was caught. When he was searched as a precautionary measure, a bullet was found on him. He did not have a passport or ticket, and was sent to the airport security office. The suspect is a bedoon in his twenties. He did not have any drugs on him and was sane. - Al-Rai