By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: The General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Planning and Development (SCPD) announced, on Thursday, the upcoming conference on ‘Integrating persons with disabilities in the community’ within the framework of New Kuwait Vision 2035. In a press statement, the Secretary-General of SCPD, Dr. Khaled Mahdi, said that the meeting is aimed at discussing the objectives and goals of the conference that will be held from November 13 to 15 at the Sabah Al Salem University City Conference Center.

Dr Khaled Mahdi

He explained that the conference aims to present the achievements and future projects of the competent authorities in improving the lives of people with disabilities in the fields of media, entertainment, and health, adding that the "main committee will include a work team from SCPD, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), Training Gate International, in addition to a team from Yarmouk Health City." Mahdi indicated that one of the objectives of the conference is to raise media awareness to contribute to changing the stereotyped image of people with disabilities, to motivate them to play their roles in society, and to ensure easy access for them to all entertainment venues.

"The conference will also enhance the mental health of persons with disabilities by ensuring their access to health services, in addition to contributing to achieving the goals of the pillars of the New Kuwait Vision 2035 and some articles of international agreements regarding persons with disabilities. We are also developing interactive partnerships between governmental institutions and the private sector, civil society, and individuals to adopt useful strategies to improve their lives," he stressed.

Mahdi affirmed that Kuwait is keen to integrate persons with disabilities into society and into the state's national plan in accordance with the existing policies in the pillar of creative human capital and the program to enhance the capabilities of citizens and institutions, indicating that integrating them into society is a prerequisite for the development and success of projects. He stressed the importance of the case of people with disabilities and considered it a priority issue to focus on, pointing out that the integration of people with disabilities in various sectors is the first basis for improving their lives.

The conference will include a series of interactive scientific lectures, dialogue sessions, panel discussions, and an exhibition on the sidelines of the conference. Several topics will be discussed, focusing on the importance of developing awareness about the situation of people with disabilities. As well, recommendations will be presented at the end of each session, and competent authorities will follow up on the implementation of these recommendations as soon as possible to provide people with disabilities with a decent life.