Kuwait Times is publishing daily recaps of two Kuwaiti soap operas airing on Al Rai TV and MBC Drama. Here are the recaps of the 4th, 5th and 6th episodes:
'Saq Al Bamboo' (Bamboo Stalk)
Ghasan tells Hind that Eisa has arrived in Kuwait, and she tries to convince her mother Ghanima to meet Eisa. Ghasan and Eisa meet Hind at the mall, and while sitting in a restaurant, the son of Nooriya, Eisa's aunt, sees them and sits with them, before Ghasan takes him shopping. His name is also Eisa, after their grandfather. He tells Ghanima he saw Hind with a Filipino guy, and she finds out he's Eisa, the son of Rashid. Hind asks her mother to meet him, but she refuses.
Josephine tells her son Eisa all the stories of the house and even about Rashid's friends, as she wanted him to come back to his father's homeland. Ghanima's friend finds a potential husband for Hind, and Hind agrees to see this man under one condition - if Ghanima meets Eisa, so she agrees. Ghasan takes Eisa to Ghanima's house and lets him wait in the car outside. Ghanima tells Ghasan she changed her mind and will not meet him. The neighbor sees Eisa looking out the window, so he fights with him.
Eisa has a sister Khawla, who lives in Ghanima's house as Rashid is missing since the invasion and her mother just left him. So Hind is sure that only Khawla may convince Ghanima to see Eisa, so she sets a plan to make Ghasan meet Eisa accidently during the national celebrations.
Khawla is shocked when they tell her that Eisa is her brother, especially since she didn't know about this story, since he looks like a Filipino. She convinces her grandmother to meet him, and Ghasan brings him to the house. She only looks at him and refuses to let him kiss her head. Hind's sisters Awatif and Nooriya come to the house to meet Eisa.
Been Galbin (Between Two Hearts)
Aryam lets Bashar drive her home from work, and Marzouq's mother sees her, asking her who is this man and Aryam says he is her colleague. Marzouq's mother tells her husband Aryam doesn't love their son, and he warns her against interfering in this issue. Aryam tells her father that she doesn't love Marzouq as she loves somebody else, asking him to get a divorce from Marzouq as they are still married on paper, and the wedding hasn't been consummated yet. Her father refuses and warns her that he will disown her.
Aryam's father then calls Marzouq, telling him to come back quickly to Kuwait to get married with Aryam as she is sad and depressed of being far from him. He calls his brother to convince Marzouq to come back soon. Aryam tells Bashar her father refused to let her divorce, so he tells her to forget about him and continue with her life, but Aryam said she will never stop loving him. Her father goes to submit Aryam's resignation and collects her belongings from the office. Aryam's mother arrives and tries to convince the father not to force their daughter to marry Marzouq, but she doesn't succeed. Aryam then calls Bashar telling him she will love him till the end of her life.
Farida, the wife of Dana's father, leaves him, as she is not able to live with the memories and photos of his late wife, Dana's mother. Yasmin is sick and her mother-in-law finds out she is pregnant. When she tells Yasmin she's going to be a mother, she cries. Bashar comes with Noora and convinces her it's nice to be a mother. After a few months, she delivers her baby.
A few years later...
Aryam's father suffers from cancer in the last phases and dies in hospital. Aryam has a son, and tells her husband she is not ready to have more children. She stays at her father's house for a few days and then travels alone. Basher is married to Dana but doesn't have any children. After a few years of getting fertility treatment, the doctor finally tells her she is pregnant.
Noora gets married to Zeid. She is not happy, as her husband is rude, and is also cheating on her and talking to another woman on the phone. Yasmin has two other children, but it seems she is not excited to be a mother and is not taking care of them.
By Nawara Fattahova