By Faten Omar

KUWAIT: According to a recent study by Wisevoter for 2023, diabetes has spread in Kuwait at a rate of 24.9 percent, which specialists attribute to the poor lifestyle and dietary habits of people. The International Diabetes Federation ranks Kuwait second in the world in the prevalence diabetes after Pakistan. One of the main causes of diabetes is obesity, which has a prevalence rate of about 37.9 percent in Kuwait.

Dasman Diabetes Institute explained on its website that in type 2 diabetes, there are two major things that go wrong, either with the pancreas, which may stop working properly, or insulin resistance develops and stop doing its job in lowering blood sugar. Therefore, dietary management of type 2 diabetes should improve the function of the pancreas and also reduce insulin resistance. According to experts, there are many ways to help improve insulin resistance like weight loss and healthy fats.

Studies show conclusively that replacing foods high in saturated fat with unsaturated fats (especially polyunsaturated fat) can improve insulin resistance. In addition, having more fibrous foods like wholegrain, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and pulses can help improve insulin resistance - even if you do not lose weight. In a recent study, 86 percent of people who lost 10-15 kg were able to have a functional pancreas and stop diabetes medications. It is worth noting that some people - despite losing 15 kg - are unable to achieve normal pancreatic function.

People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes recently (within 6 years) are more likely to achieve remission of their type 2 diabetes via losing a lot of weight. Experts revealed that low carbohydrate diets can help, which eliminate added sugars and starchy foods, while adding more protein can help the pancreas produce more insulin. Intermittent fasting, which is a way of eating at certain times, has also helped people limit the amount they are eating and may also have other benefits.

People with diabetes must also engage more in regular exercise as advised by their healthcare provider. Exercise can help improve insulin sensitivity and control blood sugar levels. Also, high-stress levels can impact blood sugar control. Incorporate stress-relief techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga or hobbies you enjoy.