KUWAIT: Scientific research is essential to fighting skin disorders in children, Kuwait’s Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi said on Wednesday, citing the matter as among his ministry’s perennial concerns. As part of efforts to provide quality healthcare services to nationals, the health ministry is eager to collaborate with regional and global healthcare bodies, the minister told the inaugural regional conference on child dermatological disorders.

Dr. Atlal Al-Lafi

At the gathering, he expressed hope it would provide a platform for participating dermatologists to share their know-how with one another, which would subsequently lead to further “breakthroughs” in the field, the minister underlined.

Discussing some of the most prevalent skin ailments in children, the conference’s chief organizer and head of the ministry’s dermatology department, Dr. Atlal Al-Lafi, pinpointed eczema as the most common, saying most children who develop skin diseases have been found to be genetically susceptible.

Kuwait's Health Minister Dr. Ahmad Al-Awadhi opens the exhibition. – KUNA photos

On the common objectives for the gathering, she said the use of the most cutting-edge treatment methods in the field of dermatology will be discussed, in addition to the potential psychological effects skin orders could have on children. - KUNA