is an obvious shakeup in the Arab personality, especially by some decision makers in our countries. The reason is decades of directed moral guidance to them to make them lose self-confidence, then their citizens. Western countries' collusion to distort the image of the Arab human being and underestimate their abilities was an alternative goal for occupation, and they largely succeeded in achieving that, particularly in our region.
The brainwashing campaigns against confidence did not start now; rather they started many decades ago, when some media adopted confidence-shaking campaigns against the Arab personality and incited them against their values. You may find some Arabs who defend these foreign media stations, for which millions were allocated from people's tax money to speak in our language. They defend these stations under the pretext that they deliver the correct news, demand democracy or allow other opinions.
All what was taken in the past decades in the form of news, dialogues and cultural programs did not contribute to the development of our Arab World; rather it only succeeded in suppressing the pride and confidence in the Arab nation and raised the glorification of the Western individual, to a point that we had the Khawaja Complex, and it was manifested in seeking the help of Western expertise, education and Western schools, marginalizing our Arab language and bringing in events that are contrary to our values.
Today, most decision leaders in our Arab world who received the message of Western stations for a long time are demanding the help of Western expertise in every problem they face, who find solutions to issues of our interest and are paid to copy reports of our experts and re-export them to us. We, then, will not find it strange to find among us those who repeatedly demand bringing in foreign teams of doctors, scientists and experts, despite all that we went through previously in dealing with them, experiences that did not succeed in developing even one aspect of our lives. Rather it is our people's experience in our establishments that succeeded in developing some aspects of work here, including social security, citizen service centers and cooperative societies, systems that were ideas of the country's individuals.
The world today is a small village, and total communication between peoples has been achieved. You can live in a remote Indian village and be close to someone in any place in the world, closer than a colleague who works in the same organization, and you can discuss matters with them and exchange information and experiences. The formula was changed a long time ago, but we refuse to change due to the spirit of inferiority the Western media instilled in us.
India has developed, and Japan is ahead of the West. China has swept the world with light and heavy industries, and Malaysia achieved a miracle. South American countries have taken the lead, and Turkey continues its progress. But we are still asking the West for help in order for them to take our money and ridicule us. We are still calling them to come and help us, help us to go backwards while others are going forward with the efforts of their people.
Today, we clearly see how the West and its helpers in the region direct all means of instigation against any leadership that attempts to get out of the restriction imposed on them. Any leadership that attempts to develop its country and prepare for an industrial or agricultural future that make us wear what we manufacture and eat what we plant, such a leadership will be hit with arrows from international organizations and from the ignorant among us.
They will monitor mistakes to become crimes and despise their accomplishments to become marginal, all that so we remain under occupation after we export to them most of our primary resources so their industries flourish and we continue consumption, until what we have is depleted. Then the protection will be lifted, and they will make us face our destiny as we were in the 19th century.
The important question - when are we getting out of this remote colonization? When will that killer sentence that comes out of some leaders' mouths and some people's representatives end - "Seek the help of foreign expertise". Do not they know that their children grew up long time ago and that they are able to build their country like the rest of the world. The West sends thousands of electronic messages to our children in the Arab world to entice them with all means to go and work there. Remote colonization is still among us, so when will it end?