By Majd Othman

KUWAIT: In a recent article that was published by the author, Iqbal Al-Ahmad, in one of the Arabic local newspapers, she warned of the random decisions that are being taken in the country that would not only negatively affect the country's strategies but also cause losses for the financial budget of the country.

The article indicated that the previous decision included the end of service of experienced doctors at the Ministry of Health who are over 60 years old, saying that there were repeated warnings in the matter with regards to losing their expertise and experiences.

Meanwhile, the author said that the Ministry of Health is studying a proposal to re-hire qualified doctors from abroad who enjoy long experience due to the lack of experienced doctors among their team. Al-Ahmad stressed in her article that the country's decision to dispense any expertise should not be taken unless it is proven that the doctor is not qualified to continue his job, lacks productivity, and becomes a burden in the place where he or she works.

She added, "But if the issue of age is what determines this, then this only indicates a lack of knowledge and laziness in determining the criteria for renewal of any energy and experience at any work place.” She pointed out that reactions and emotions should not control the country's strategy. Deliberation and rationality studies must be the pillars of any decisions or laws, taking into account all the possibilities that we may face in the future.