KUWAIT: Reconnaissance Research announced that in its continuous collaboration with the National Council on US-Arab Relations (NCUSAR), will establish the first US-Kuwaiti think tank internship program. Through this collaboration, Reconnaissance Research aims to bring Americans and Kuwaitis into direct communication to tackle issues including authoritarianism, global refugee crises, women's rights and anti-corruption.
"This extraordinary international collaboration will expose bright young American students to Kuwait to learn about Kuwait's needs, concerns, interests and society," said Dr John Duke Anthony, the Founding President and CEO of the National Council on US- Arab Relations. Founder and CEO of Reconnaissance Research Abdulaziz Al-Anjeri said: "we appreciate the opportunity to partner with one of America's most important scholars of the GCC and Arab region, Dr John Duke Anthony and the National Council on US-Arab Relations to help the next generation of Kuwaiti and American leaders understand one another through such opportunities."
Marshall CasebeerAs part of its collaboration, Reconnaissance Research has welcomed in phase 1 of the program two American interns for the Summer of 2021: Holly Czachura and Marshall Casebeer. Holly Czachura is a senior at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. She is a double major in International Relations and Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies. Czachura's areas of interest include women's rights and refugees. She participated in the National Council's Youth Leadership Development Program / Model Arab League, sitting on the Council of Palestinian Affairs.
Anjeri said: "Having someone as driven and accomplished as Holly will give us a chance to highlight the views and opinions of many people, especially those pertaining to women. There are currently ongoing threats to women's rights and safety that need to be addressed and tackled professionally, and I have full confidence in her ability to focus on those issues and others with women from Kuwait too."
In a statement, Czachura said: "I look forward to a productive internship with Reconnaissance Research this summer. I hope we can combine our unique perspectives to bring awareness to the struggles of refugees around the world and promote an end to their suffering."
Marshall Casebeer is currently a senior at the University of Puget Sound in Washington, where he is working towards an undergraduate degree in Politics and Government. He is originally from Colorado, and his academic interests include authoritarianism, and public policy throughout the world. He is a member of the national political science honor society Pi Sigma Alpha and participated in the first ever University of Puget Sound China Field Study program in 2019. Anjeri said: "Marshall is an intelligent and driven young man who will certainly be a very valuable addition to our work."
Casebeer is thrilled to be working with Reconnaissance Research: "This organization is full of incredible people doing incredible work, and I could not be more excited to join them this summer. I know that the remarkable experience and expertise offered by the Reconnaissance Research team affords me an unparalleled opportunity to learn and grow." He aspires to build foreign policy based on mutual respect and nuanced understanding.