KUWAIT: Police in Suliabiya responded to a call about a reckless driver, endangering the lives of others, before parking in front of his house. When police attempted to arrest the man, he resisted and physically attacked the police along with his brother. Policemen then were surprised when the mother of the unemployed man came out and attacked them verbally in front of pedestrians, and allowed her sons to escape. The suspects' father was summoned to question why he hid his children and did not come to the police station.
Drug smuggling foiled
Airport customs officers foiled two attempts to smuggle drugs into the country. Customs department spokesman Mishal Al-Jaraid said airport inspectors suspected an Asian woman who attempted to hide 10 kilograms of marijuana in box, but was caught and sent to DCGD. In the second case Al-Jaraid said customs officers noticed an Asian who was confused, and when physically searched was found to have hidden 250g of marijuana inside food he had carried with him. In a third case inspectors caught an Asian who attempted to smuggle in two kilograms of heroin inside bags and clothes. They were all sent to DCGD.