Dr Teresa Lesher

Modern life, which is characterized by computerization, communication, and globalization, has made work easier and given us more leisure options, but has also contributed to mental and social problems. "Modern man" is often characterized by lack of purpose, distraction, low stamina, isolation, loss of community involvement, decreased empathy, and general depression.
Given the busy schedules that we often feel we have little control over, it's hard to make major lifestyle changes. But our Creator has prescribed a treatment for whatever social, emotional or personal challenge we face in life - it is called Ramadan. Feeling a lack of purpose in your life? Fast during Ramadan.

Nobody would undertake such a long and difficult commitment without a reason, whether or religious conviction, health benefits, personal challenge, or solidarity with Muslims. The Quran says, "Fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may learn God-consciousness" (2:183). If you sincerely fast, observing the restrictions on food, drink and sexual intimacy in daylight hours, you will develop a strong sense purpose - which for most is to obey and worship Almighty God.
You will also become a more sincere person, since fasting cannot really be observed by another person - only you and God. Ramadan is the perfect time to ask, "What is the purpose of my existence?" Most people nowadays are distracted due to busy schedules, incessant phone messages and emails, and the demands of media for our attention. We lack focus and can hardly finish one task from start to finish without distractions.

Some people cannot even eat a meal without their phones nearby so they can check WhatsApp messages. If this describes you, I recommend fasting the month of Ramadan, which will eliminate one major distraction in our lives - eating - during daylight hours, which increases productivity and focus on other activities. And then, when the meal is finally served after sunset, I guarantee you will put your phone away so you can enjoy your breakfast.
We generally have less physical strength and lower stamina than our parents and grandparents had due to our sedentary lifestyles and the prevalence of desk jobs. Fasting Ramadan will improve your fortitude and determination; how else would you be able to refrain from satisfying your basic needs and desires for such long periods? How else would you be able to ignore hunger, thirst and fatigue while you carry on with life's usual demands? Ramadan is a perfect time to show yourself what you're capable of. You will find a self-disciplined, patient, flexible and resilient person.

Another byproduct of our modern lifestyles is isolation. Families are often separated and must resort to social media to keep in touch. Social media also enable us to have friends from around the world that we meet in virtual spaces. However, this has had a negative impact on the "in-person" relationships with those around us, with many people preferring to relate to others through their phones. Ramadan helps this situation because there are many communal meals, whether at home, in mosques, or special gatherings for social groups.

In addition, the extra attention on prayer brings neighbors together in the mosques daily, which builds stronger communities. Finally, zakat ul-fitr, or the pre-holiday charity, requires us to reach out to someone less fortunate in the spirit of sharing and celebration. Modern life can sometimes lead to apathy, which is caring little for others, and a sense of entitlement, which is overestimating your rights.

Feeling the hunger and thirst of fasting makes you keenly aware of the blessing of food and clean water in your life, and more aware of the fact that many people do not have what you will now consider a luxury. Feeling the deprivations of the poor is a wonderful lesson in empathy and compassion, one that is never forgotten after fasting the month of Ramadan, and which makes it so much easier to share our resources with the disadvantaged.

Finally, all the above symptoms of the modern man lead to depression, which is common today. Fasting Ramadan is a way to start overcoming depression because it has several positive results simultaneously: a renewed sense of purpose, realizing your personal strength, increased involvement with others, awareness of blessings that you formally took for granted, taking control of yourself through managing your needs, desires and thoughts, and drawing closer to your Creator and the Provider of all your needs.
Fasting the month of Ramadan definitely has its benefits in this life, especially in the modern age. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, because there are medical and spiritual benefits, as well as blessings that accrue in the Hereafter. The total benefits of fasting are known only to God, who says in the Quran, "… and it is better for you to fast, if you only knew" (2:184).

Courtesy of the TIES Center: the TIES Center aims at empower Kuwait's expats through social and educational services that promote a positive and productive role in society, and to facilitate opportunities for intra- and interfaith interactions that promote social solidarity. For more information, you can contact TIES at Tel: 25231015/6; Hotline: 94079777; e-mail: info@tiescenter.net.

By Dr Teresa Lesher