KUWAIT: Theclosing ceremony of the Professional Certificate in English Language Teaching(PCELT) program was held on Thursday at AMIDEAST's headquarters in Sharq. US Ambassadorto Kuwait Lawrence Silverman congratulated the new batch of graduates."The US Embassy is proud to fund PCELT for the third straight year in aneffort to enhance the teaching of English in Kuwait," he said.
The envoyextended his gratitude to Suzan Al-Bashiti and to "all our friends at theministry of education" for their generous support of the PCELT program."I know that taking teachers away from their schools for a month is noteasy. But I think you would agree thatthe benefits far outweigh the temporary dislocations. We appreciate yourrecognition of the value of this training, and we value the partnership that wehave built with you to help enhance the skills of Kuwaiti teachers," hesaid.
Silverman saideveryone must continue learning throughout their lives. "I hope you allfeel that this training was well worth the time and energy you invested in itand that you will not only impart this knowledge to your students, but share itwith your fellow teachers - to multiply the effect of this course," headded. He said he himself witnessed the transformation when he met the last setof teachers taking the course. "I saw the transformative effect of thetraining, the new confidence the teachers exuded and the eagerness they showed toapply the techniques they had learned and share them with theircolleagues," he said.
Silverman saidthat with their help, Kuwait seeks to prepare its young people to becompetitive and productive members of the national workforce. He added thatstrong English skills will ensure that Kuwaitis can access information,communicate and take part in the global competition that will drive innovationand economic growth. "Education is a key dimension of the US-Kuwaitrelationship at the ministerial level. When Secretary of State Pompeo visitsKuwait soon for the third US-Kuwait Strategic Dialogue, we will discuss how wecan improve our cooperation in education and academic exchanges."
Silverman tookpride in his nation's global standing, which remains the top study abroaddestination for Kuwaiti students. "We believe that no other country canoffer Kuwaitis the variety and high quality of universities that are found inthe US, and that a US education is the best preparation to succeed here inKuwait. We at the US Embassy stand ready to help build these educationalbridges in any way we can," the ambassador concluded.
By Ben Garcia