Omar Al-Ghureir
Omar Al-Ghureir

Private schools union hopes next meeting with ministry sets fees increase criteria - Exclusive interview

Kuwait: The 18th Kuwaiti humanitarian plane departed Sunday on its way to Gaza through Al-Arish airport. The plane is carrying some 40 tons of foodstuff and medical equipment onboard.

This was organized by Al-Salam Charity Society in cooperation with International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO) and in coordination with Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs.

Chief of the Islamic Organization, Dr. Abdullah Al-Maatouq, told KUNA that as of this day the organization had allocated more than USD three million for humanitarian projects in Gaza, saying that they have been receiving draft projects from partners within Palestine to be considered and implemented.

As for Al-Salam Charity Chief of board of directors, Dr. Nabeel Al-Aoun, he affirmed readiness of both charities to organize more relief loads with a capacity of 200 tons to be sent in upcoming trips to Gaza.

He stated that since establishment of humanitarian air bridge they have worked with Palestinian Red Crescent Society to coordinate priorities.

In addition to foodstuffs, this planeload consists of six diesel machines, all designed to power hospitals as well as 30 solar power refrigerators, more than 800 first aid kits, 10,000 medical grade masks and wound sanitization machines.

This is the eighth relief planeload organized by Al-Salam and IICO taking total of aid to 170 tons, explained Al-Aoun, and urged for furthering such humanitarian efforts as the situation in Gaza requires urgent and immediate intervention. - KUNA

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