Deputy FM reasserts Kuwait's stance against normalization with Israel

KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah (center) and Canada’s Ambassador to Kuwait Louis-Pierre Emond (left) cut the cake during the Canadian embassy’s celebration of the National Flag Day. — KUNA

KUWAIT: Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah has stated that US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would visit Kuwait next month to partake in the third session of the Kuwaiti-US Strategic Dialogue. Jarallah made the announcement while speaking to reporters on the sidelines of his participation in Canadian embassy's celebration of the National Flag Day on Sunday.

The third session of the Kuwaiti-US Strategic Dialogue was scheduled on January 15, 2019, but was adjourned when Pompeo cut short his regional tour and cancelled the planned visit to Kuwait to return to the US to partake in the funeral of a family member. In a phone call with Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah after the visit postponement, Pompeo said he was looking forward to visit Kuwait to hold the third Strategic Dialogue Session.

Agreement signing
According to Kuwait's Assistant Foreign Minister for the Americas Reem Al-Khaled, signing an agreement to boost their ongoing Strategic Dialogue and others in defense, security and economic affairs would be on the agenda of Pompeo's visit to Kuwait. The strategic dialogue would also deliberate topics of defense, education, economics, consulate and customs affairs, civil aviation and cyber security - with the matters of trade and scientific research be introduced to the fold for the very first time, Jarallah noted.

Meanwhile, Jarallah affirmed that Kuwait remains firmly against normalization of relations with Israel, as long as there is no justice and a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian issue. "It is painful that there is still doubt regarding the Kuwaiti position on the Palestinian issue," he said, stressing that Kuwait's position has not changed and continues to be supportive of the Palestinian cause at all levels He pointed out that Kuwait is a member of the UN Security Council and therefore it is unreasonable to not participate in international conferences, stressing that Kuwait went to protect the rights of the Palestinian people and discuss issues of concern in the region. Jarallah pointed out that there are many issues addressed at Warsaw Summit affecting the Middle East and therefore it is logical to interact and participate in such conferences.

Improving relation
On relations with Canada, Jarallah hailed the steadily growing and improving relation and cooperation on all levels and realms with the north American country. He disclosed that Kuwait was planning to hold a major economic forum in Canada in April. The forum would tackle important issues relative to investment, economic and energy sectors. Jarallah recalled the supportive stance of Canada during the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and its participation in the Kuwait liberation war.
In the meantime, Canada's Ambassador to Kuwait Louis-Pierre Emond said that his country is proud of the strength of the bilateral relationship with Kuwait. "After just four months in Kuwait, I have really gotten to see and understand the breadth of that relationship in terms of commerce, investment, education, defense and diplomacy," he said in a speech at the ceremony.

He mentioned the growing number of Canadian companies doing business in Kuwait as part of ongoing efforts to help Canadian companies diversify their export markets are working. "The focus is still on oil and gas but we are working hard on identifying potential projects in new areas such as infrastructure, life sciences, food and agri-food products, and information and communications technology," he pointed out.

Important investment
In this regard, the Ambassador pointed out an announcement made in early February of an 'important new investment in Canada' by Canada Kuwait Petrochemical Corporation (CKPC), a joint-venture between Kuwait's Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) and the Canada-based Pembina. "This important announcement showcases the strength of our economy and the confidence it inspires in foreign investors," he said. "This should pave the way for more investment projects in Canada by new players, and expansion for partners already present in the market."

The Ambassador also mentioned that there are nearly 400 Kuwaiti students who joined colleges in Canada this year. "Our education links continue to grow and we are extremely proud to see the number of Kuwaiti students continue to grow every year," he said. Diplomatically, the ambassador mentioned the visit of Canada's Governor General to Kuwait this past January, saying that "this short but worthwhile visit underlines the importance we put on our bilateral relationship."

Furthermore, Ambassador Emond stressed Kuwait's 'important role' that it plays on the world stage advocating for peaceful solutions, for dialogue and communication, saying that this goes in line with Canada's approach. Finally, the Ambassador extended congratulations to His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah for the 13th anniversary of his ascension to power, and to Kuwait on the National Day and Liberation Day.